
Transitioning into the ‘New Year’ — by the Atelier Kids Team


September! New year…New beginnings! The start of the school year always feels like the true new year, doesn’t it? New routines, new schedules, and those wonderfully exciting new school supplies make anyone feel like a kid again! Is your little one starting childcare…moving on to Kindergarten…or perhaps changing centres? Even if your kids are returning to their familiar building, this year will present new opportunities and the subsequent need for transition with many toddlers and preschoolers.

Transitions can be stressful, but there are ways to help comfort these anxieties in younger children. At Atelier Kids Early Learning & Care and Atelier Kids Kindergarten, our team focuses on the excitement of the new experience, instead of the uncertainty of leaving what’s familiar. Our plan, and our suggestion to you, is to rekindle a sense of connection for the new school year ahead.

As your toddler or preschooler transitions, it is likely there may be fears, doubts and uncertainty. The greatest gift you can give your child is to demonstrate your love and confidence in their ability to manage. Encourage their independence, knowing they will be fine, and hand them off confidently to their educators with a quick exit; an extended goodbye is difficult for all involved! Trust that your educators are professionals and will care for your child as they would their own.

Whether your little one is excited, nervous, or both…present opportunities for play! We encourage an environment where they feel free to play, a child’s natural way of being. Through play, children explore their environment, build relationships with their peers and explore the classroom materials available. Through unique and fascinating age-appropriate explorations, our Atelier Kids educators reinforce that school is an exciting place to be…where learning coincides with fun and consequently creates a comfortable environment. Connecting with children through the excitement and joy of play creates a love for learning, encouraging their sense of wonder, and their confidence to be curious.

Children express themselves in so many ways, and connecting through the arts allows them to seek appropriate and comforting languages. Our Reggio-inspired approach at Atelier Kids believes the child has one hundred languages to express themselves, in order to connect with their creativity and individuality to grow as confident learners. They learn to collaborate with their peers, and connect either through the joy of the experience or by noticing similarities and differences between their modes of expression. Ensure your child has opportunities in school and at home to express their creativity to help manage their transition and find connections between the two spaces.

A growing body of research shows us that outdoor learning has significant developmental benefits for children and also provides the comfort to connect with what’s familiar…in our case, the High Park community. Outdoor learning promotes confidence through risk-taking and stimulates curiosity as kids explore wider settings, like our own local High Park. Seek opportunities to get outdoors and adventure, and inquire about extended outdoor time at your child’s centre or school. Our increased focus on outdoor adventures result in both our children and our staff reflecting a happier, healthier outlook!

Whether your child is just starting daycare or moving on to Kindergarten, we suggest you promote the excitement of their new adventure, instead of the uncertainty of leaving what has been familiar to them. Rekindle a sense of connection with what is familiar in the new space to create a comfortable and inviting transition process. You got this!

At Atelier Kids Early Learning & Care and Atelier Kids Kindergarten, we place the image of the child – (simply put, a child’s needs) – at the heart of our decision-making. Our inquiry-based Reggio-inspired program incorporates play, artistic exploration, extensive outdoor education, both on and off site. Come see what makes us different. You’ll be thrilled you did.